Review: Hong Huei Ru - My saggy skin improved so much that people thought I'd slimmed down

Caring for 3 toddlers is no mean feat, and having lesser time to herself took a toll on Huei Ru's appearance and confidence. Until one day, she decided that she needed a change in her life. Watch to find out what happened.

"Since becoming a mother, I could hardly find the extra time or energy to care for my skin. My skin condition became poor – I had enlarged pores, saggy skin and droopy eyelids. I felt discouraged about how I looked, and I didn't want to stay this way.

I started to see obvious results on my skin after using DR's Secret for 6 months. My skin was firm and lifted and had a visibly brighter tone. The pores became more refined and people even thought that I had slimmed down!

Now I feel so much happier and more confident just looking at my good skin!" - Hong Huei Ru, 33

*Individual results may vary